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Partners & Sponsors

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Over the years, SportUNE has forged robust partnerships with both the University and the broader community, cultivating a culture of collaboration and mutual support.

These partnerships have been instrumental in fostering a vibrant sense of community spirit and engagement. Through close collaboration, we have developed strong ties that extend far beyond the domains of sports and fitness.

From branding around our facilities and at our annual Sports Awards, creating exclusive merchandise ranges worn by our Nationals and Elite Athletes teams that embody the spirit of our shared values, to naming buildings and amenities after esteemed contributors, our partnerships have left an indelible mark on our institution.

Together, we continue to innovate, inspire, and uplift, building a legacy that transcends generations and enriches the lives of all who call SportUNE home.


We are incredibly thankful to our community, sponsors, and partners  – together we make SportUNE such a success. David Schmude, CEO UNE Life

We welcome new ideas and collaboration opportunities with enthusiasm.

Get in touch with our team to speak about future opportunities today.