Group Fitness Classes


Pedal your way to improved cardiovascular fitness with Spin classes at SportUNE. Using stationary bikes, this indoor cycling class offers an intense cardio workout that targets your legs, glutes, and core muscles. Led by motivating instructors and accompanied by energizing music, Spin classes provide a fun and challenging experience for participants of all fitness levels.


Fitness Plus

Get the ultimate full-body workout with Fitness Plus classes. These dynamic sessions incorporate a combination of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and core work to maximize calorie burn, increase muscle tone, and improve overall fitness. With a variety of exercises and equipment, Fitness Plus classes offer a well-rounded fitness experience.



Enhance your flexibility, balance, and mental well-being with SportUNE’s Yoga classes. Led by experienced instructors, these sessions incorporate a combination of poses, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques to promote physical and mental harmony. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced yogi, Yoga classes offer a peaceful and rejuvenating experience.


Aqua Aerobics

Dive into a low-impact, high-energy workout with Aqua Aerobics classes at SportUNE. Taking place in the pool, these classes utilize the resistance of the water to enhance cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and joint mobility. With the added benefit of reduced impact on joints, Aqua Aerobics is suitable for all fitness levels and ages.



Improve your posture, core strength, and overall body stability through SportUNE’s Pilates classes. These sessions focus on controlled movements and precise alignment to strengthen deep muscles, enhance flexibility, and promote body awareness. Pilates classes offer a holistic approach to fitness, combining strength and mind-body connection.



Get ready to dance your way to fitness with SportUNE’s Zumba classes. This high-energy, Latin-inspired cardio workout combines dance moves with upbeat music for a fun and exhilarating fitness experience. Burn calories, improve coordination, and let loose while enjoying the infectious rhythms of Zumba.


Power Bar

Elevate your strength and endurance levels with SportUNE’s Power Bar classes. Using a weighted barbell and adjustable weights, these sessions focus on building muscular strength and endurance through compound exercises like squats, lunges, deadlifts, and more. Power Bar classes offer a challenging and effective workout for participants of all fitness levels.



Build lean muscle and increase overall strength with SportUNE’s Strength classes. These sessions incorporate a variety of resistance training exercises, such as lifting weights, using resistance bands, and performing bodyweight movements. With proper form and guidance from certified instructors, you’ll safely challenge your muscles and experience the benefits of increased strength and toned physique.


Total Body Workout

Achieve a balanced physique and improve strength and endurance with SportUNE’s Total Body Workout classes. These sessions focus on targeting all major muscle groups through a variety of exercises, including bodyweight movements, resistance training, and functional training techniques. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, Total Body Workout classes provide a challenging and rewarding workout.


General Physical Preparedness (GPP)

General Physical Preparedness (GPP): Boost your overall fitness and prepare your body for various physical challenges with SportUNE’s GPP classes. These dynamic sessions focus on functional strength, agility, and cardiovascular endurance through a combination of interval training, circuit exercises, and dynamic movements. Enhance your physical readiness for everyday activities and excel in sports or outdoor adventures with GPP classes that provide a well-rounded and effective workout.
